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国際ヤード・ポンド(こくさいヤード・ポンド、英語: international yard and pound)は、1959年7月1日に6か国の間で署名された協定の対象であった2つのヤード・ポンド法の計量単位のことである。6か国とはアメリカ合衆国イギリスカナダオーストラリアニュージーランド南アフリカである。この合意により、ヤードは正確に0.9144メートルポンドは正確に0.45359237キログラムと国際的に定義された[1]







国際ポンドの値についてはポンド (質量)#常用ポンドの経緯を参照。






  1. 1.0 1.1 United States. National Bureau of Standards (1959). Research Highlights of the National Bureau of Standards. U.S. Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards. Retrieved on 15 September 2012. 
  2. National Bureau of Standards, Refinement of values for the yard and pound
  3. (2009) Metrology & Measurement. Tata McGraw-Hill Education. ISBN 978-0-07-014000-4. Retrieved on 16 September 2012. 
  4. (1897) “Statutes of the Realm - 60-61 Victoria”, in John Mews: The Law journal reports. London: The Law Journal Reports. Retrieved on 16 September 2012. 
  5. (1904) The statutory rules and orders revised: being the statutory rules and orders (other than those of a local, personal, or temporary character) in force on December 31, 1903 ..., 2nd, section 4 - Weights and Measures: HMSO, 4:25–27. Retrieved on 17 September 2012. 
  6. Connor, R D (1987). The Weights and Measures of England. H.M. Stationery Office. ISBN 978-0-11-290435-9. Retrieved on 17 September 2012. 
  7. Estermann, Immanuel (1959). Classical Methods. Academic Press. ISBN 978-0-12-475901-5. Retrieved on 16 September 2012. 
  8. (1936) Report of the ... National Conference on Weights and Measures. US Department of Commerce, Bureau of Standards. Retrieved on 2 August 2012. 
  9. (1995) Metric Units in Engineering--going SI: How to Use the International Systems of Measurement Units (SI) to Solve Standard Engineering Problems. ASCE Publications. ISBN 978-0-7844-0070-8. Retrieved on 2 August 2012. 
  10. Report of the British Commonwealth Scientific Conference. Official Conference, London, 1946. Cmd. 6970. H.M. Stationery Office, 1946
  11. (1957) Report of the ... National Conference on Weights and Measures. US Department of Commerce, Bureau of Standards, 45–6. Retrieved on 2 August 2012. 
  12. (1976) Weights and measures standards of the United States: a brief history. Dept. of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards : for sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 30–1. Retrieved on 16 September 2012. 
  13. Canadian Journal of Physics, 1959, 37(1): 84, 10.1139/p59-014
  14. [1]
  15. Australian Government ComLaw Weights and Measures (National Standards) Regulations - C2004L00578
