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数学、特に複素力学系に於けるジュリア集合(ジュリアしゅうごう、英: Julia set )は、複素平面上のある近傍で反復関数が非正規族となる点の集合である。数学者ガストン・ジュリアの名に因む。
- Lennart Carleson and Theodore W. Gamelin, Complex Dynamics, Springer 1993
- Adrien Douady and John H. Hubbard, "Etude dynamique des polynômes complexes", Prépublications mathémathiques d'Orsay 2/4 (1984 / 1985)
- John W. Milnor, Dynamics in One Complex Variable (Third Edition), Annals of Mathematics Studies 160, Princeton University Press 2006 (First appeared in 1990 as a Stony Brook IMS Preprint, available as arXiV:math.DS/9201272.)
- Alexander Bogomolny, "Mandelbrot Set and Indexing of Julia Sets" at cut-the-knot.
- Evgeny Demidov, "The Mandelbrot and Julia sets Anatomy" (2003)
- Alan F. Beardon, Iteration of Rational Functions, Springer 1991, ISBN 0-387-95151-2