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(「―は全て――」系:  ハラルド・ヘルフゴットに内部リンク)
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1行目: 1行目:
== ミレニアム懸賞問題 ==
== その他の未解決問題 ==
=== 「―は無限に存在するか」系 ===
*[[メルセンヌ数|メルセンヌ素数]]は無限に存在するか。([[:en:Lenstra-Pomerance-Wagstaff conjecture|Lenstra-Pomerance-Wagstaff conjecture]])
* 10進法において、[[回文素数]]は無限に存在するか。
* 10進法において、[[レピュニット|レピュニット素数]]は無限に存在するか。
* [[ルース=アーロン・ペア]]は無限に存在するか。
* [[フィボナッチ素数]]は無限に存在するか。
* 素数(合成数)である[[フェルマー数]]は無限個(有限個)存在するか。
=== 「―は存在するか」系 ===
*{{math|2{{sup|''k''}}}} の形をした数 {{math|(1, 2, 4, 8, 16, …)}} 以外に[[概完全数]]は存在するか。
*[[ブロカールの問題#ブラウン数|ブラウン数]]は(4,5), (5,11), (7,71)以外に存在するか。
=== 「―は全て――」系 ===
*[[ゴールドバッハの予想]] 6以上の任意の偶数は、2つの奇素数の和で表せるか。
**[[弱いゴールドバッハ予想]] 7以上の任意の奇数は、3つの素数の和で表せるか。- 2013年、[[ハラルド・ヘルフゴット]]による証明が発表された<ref>{{cite arXiv
|eprint = 1305.2897
|title = Major arcs for Goldbach's theorem
|last = Helfgott
|first = H.A.
|class = math.NT
|year = 2013
}}</ref><ref>{{cite arXiv
|eprint = 1205.5252/
|title = Minor arcs for Goldbach's problem
|last = Helfgott
|first = H.A.
|class = math.NT
|year = 2012
=== 「―はいくつか」系 ===
*最小の[[シェルピンスキー数]]は 78557、最小の[[シェルピンスキー数#リーゼル数|リーゼル数]]は 509203、最小の[[シェルピンスキー数#リーゼル数|ブリエ数]]は 3316923598096294713661 かどうか。
=== その他 ===
*ギルブレース予想 ([[:en:Gilbreath's conjecture|Gilbreath's conjecture]])
*完全キュボイド ([[:en:Euler brick|Perfect cuboid]])
*[[:en:Generalized star height problem|Generalized star height problem]]
*シャヌエル予想 ([[:en:Schanuel's conjecture|Schanuel's conjecture]])
*[[オイラーの定数]] {{math|''γ''}} は無理数か。
*[[P (計算複雑性理論)|P]] = [[L (計算複雑性理論)|L]] かどうか。
*[[NL (計算複雑性理論)|NL]] = [[L (計算複雑性理論)|L]] かどうか。
*[[単位正方形]]の有理距離問題(Rational Distance Problem)
== 分野別 ==
=== 加法的整数論 ===
加法的整数論については、{{仮リンク|加法的整数論|en|Problems involving arithmetic progressions}}を参照してください。
*ビール予想 ([[:en:Beal's conjecture]])
*[[フェルマー=カタラン予想]] ([[:en:Fermat–Catalan conjecture]])
*[[ゴールドバッハ予想]] ([[:en:Goldbach's conjecture]])
*[[ウェアリングの問題]] (The values of ''g''(''k'') and ''G''(''k'') in [[:en:Waring's problem]])
*[[コラッツ予想]] ([[:en:Collatz conjecture]])(3''n''&nbsp;+&nbsp;1 conjecture)
*[[Lander, Parkin, and Selfridge conjecture]]
*[[Diophantine quintuple]]s
*[[Gilbreath's conjecture]]
*[[Erdős conjecture on arithmetic progressions]]
*[[Erdős–Turán conjecture on additive bases]]
*[[Pollock octahedral numbers conjecture]]
*[[Skolem problem]]
*Determine growth rate of ''r''<sub>''k''</sub>(''N'') (see [[Szemerédi's theorem]])
*[[Minimum overlap problem]]
=== 代数 ===
*[[可換環のホモロジカル予想]] ([[:en:Homological conjectures in commutative algebra]])
*[[ヒルベルトの23の問題#第16問題|ヒルベルトの23の問題]]の16番目 ([[:en:Hilbert's sixteenth problem]])
*[[ヒルベルトの23の問題#第15問題|ヒルベルトの23の問題]]の15番目 ([[:en:Hilbert's fifteenth problem]])
*[[アダマール行列#アダマールの予想|アダマール予想]] ([[:en:Hadamard conjecture]])
*[[ジャコブソン予想]] ([[:en:Jacobson's conjecture]])
* Existence of ([[:en:Perfect cuboid|perfect cuboids]]) and associated ([[:en:Cuboid conjectures]])
*([[:en:Zauner's conjecture]]): existence of ([[:en:SIC-POVM]])s in all dimensions
*([[:en:Wild Problem]]): Classification of pairs of n×n matrices under simultaneous conjugation and problems containing it such as a lot of classification problems
*[[ケーテ予想]] ([[:en:Köthe conjecture]])
*([[:en:Birch–Tate conjecture]])
*[[セール予想]] ([[:en:Serre's conjecture II (algebra)|Serre's conjecture II]])
*([[:en:Bombieri–Lang conjecture]])
*([[:en:Farrell–Jones conjecture]])
*[[ボスト予想]] ([[:en:Farrell–Jones conjecture#Bost conjecture|Bost conjecture]])
*([[:en:Uniformity conjecture]])
*([[:en:Kaplansky's conjecture]])
*([[:en:Kummer–Vandiver conjecture]])
*([[:en:Serre's multiplicity conjectures]])
*([[:en:Pierce–Birkhoff conjecture]])
*([[:en:Eilenberg–Ganea conjecture]])
*[[グリーン予想]] ([[:en:Green's conjecture]])
*([[:en:Grothendieck–Katz p-curvature conjecture]])
*([[:en:Sendov's conjecture]])
=== 代数幾何 ===
*André–Oort conjecture
*Bass conjecture
*Deligne conjecture
*Fröberg conjecture
*Fujita conjecture
*Hartshorne conjectures
*Manin conjecture
*Nakai conjecture
*Resolution of singularities in characteristic p
*Standard conjectures on algebraic cycles
*Section conjecture
*Tate conjecture
*Virasoro conjecture
*Whitehead conjecture
*Zariski multiplicity conjecture
=== 代数的数論 ===
*Are there infinitely many real quadratic number fields with unique factorization (Class number problem)
*Characterize all algebraic number fields that have some power basis.
*Stark conjectures (including Brumer–Stark conjecture)
=== 解析 ===
*The Jacobian conjecture
*Schanuel's conjecture and four exponentials conjecture
*[[レーマーの予想]]([[:en:Lehmer's conjecture]])
*Pompeiu problem
*Are γ (the Euler–Mascheroni constant), {{math2|π + ''e'', π &minus; ''e'', π''e'', {{sfrac|π|''e''}}, π{{sup|''e''}}, π{{sup|{{sqrt|2}}}}, π{{sup|π}}, e{{sup|π{{sup|2}}}}, ln π, 2{{sup|''e''}}, ''e{{sup|e}}''}}, Catalan's constant or Khinchin's constant rational, algebraic irrational, or transcendental? What is the irrationality measure of each of these numbers?
* Khabibullin’s conjecture on integral inequalities
*[[ヒルベルトの23の問題#第13問題|ヒルベルトの23の問題]]の13番目([[:en:Hilbert's thirteenth problem]])
* Vitushkin's conjecture
=== 組合せ論 ===
* Number of magic squares (sequence A006052 in OEIS)
* Number of magic tori (sequence A270876 in OEIS)
* Finding a formula for the probability that two elements chosen at random generate the symmetric group
* Frankl's union-closed sets conjecture: for any family of sets closed under sums there exists an element (of the underlying space) belonging to half or more of the sets
* The lonely runner conjecture: if  runners with pairwise distinct speeds run round a track of unit length, will every runner be "lonely" (that is, be at least a distance  from each other runner) at some time?
* Singmaster's conjecture: is there a finite upper bound on the multiplicities of the entries greater than 1 in Pascal's triangle?
* The 1/3–2/3 conjecture: does every finite partially ordered set that is not totally ordered contain two elements ''x'' and ''y'' such that the probability that ''x'' appears before ''y'' in a random linear extension is between 1/3 and 2/3?
* unicity conjecture for Markov numbers
* balance puzzle <sup>[14]</sup>
=== 離散幾何学 ===
離散幾何学については、{{仮リンク|離散幾何学|en|Discrete geometry}}を参照してください。
* Solving the happy ending problem for arbitrary
* Finding matching upper and lower bounds for ''k''-sets and halving lines
* The Hadwiger conjecture on covering ''n''-dimensional convex bodies with at most 2<sup>''n''</sup> smaller copies
* The Kobon triangle problem on triangles in line arrangements
* The McMullen problem on projectively transforming sets of points into convex position
* Ulam's packing conjecture about the identity of the worst-packing convex solid
* Filling area conjecture
* Hopf conjecture
* Kakeya conjecture
=== ユークリッド幾何学 ===
* The einstein problem – does there exist a two-dimensional shape that forms the prototile for an aperiodic tiling, but not for any periodic tiling?<sup>[15]</sup>
* Inscribed square problem – does every Jordan curve have an inscribed square?<sup>[16]</sup>
* Moser's worm problem – what is the smallest area of a shape that can cover every unit-length curve in the plane?<sup>[17]</sup>
* The moving sofa problem – what is the largest area of a shape that can be maneuvered through a unit-width L-shaped corridor?<sup>[18]</sup>
* Shephard's problem (a.k.a. Dürer's conjecture) – does every convex polyhedron have a net?<sup>[19]</sup>
* [[トムソンの問題]] ([[:en:Thomson problem]]) . The Thomson problem - what is the minimum energy configuration of N particles bound to the surface of a unit sphere that repel each other with a 1/r potential (or any potential in general)?
* Pentagonal tiling - 15 types of convex pentagons are known to monohedrally tile the plane, and it is not known whether this list is complete.<sup>[20]</sup>
* Falconer's conjecture
* g-conjecture
* Circle packing in an equilateral triangle
* Circle packing in an isosceles right triangle
=== 力学系 ===
* Furstenberg conjecture – Is every invariant and ergodic measure for the  action on the circle either Lebesgue or atomic?
* Margulis conjecture — Measure classification for diagonalizable actions in higher-rank groups
* MLC conjecture – Is the Mandelbrot set locally connected ?
* Weinstein conjecture - Does a regular compact contact type level set of a Hamiltonian on a symplectic manifold carry at least one periodic orbit of the Hamiltonian flow?
* Is every reversible cellular automaton in three or more dimensions locally reversible?<sup>[21]</sup>
=== グラフ理論 ===
* Barnette's conjecture that every cubic bipartite three-connected planar graph has a Hamiltonian cycle
* The Erdős–Gyárfás conjecture on cycles with power-of-two lengths in cubic graphs
* The Erdős–Hajnal conjecture on finding large homogeneous sets in graphs with a forbidden induced subgraph
* The Hadwiger conjecture relating coloring to clique minors
* The Erdős–Faber–Lovász conjecture on coloring unions of cliques
* Harborth's conjecture that every planar graph can be drawn with integer edge lengths
* The total coloring conjecture
* Hadwiger conjecture (graph theory)
* The list coloring conjecture
* The Ringel–Kotzig conjecture on graceful labeling of trees
* How many unit distances can be determined by a set of n points? (see Counting unit distances)
* The Hadwiger–Nelson problem on the chromatic number of unit distance graphs
* Lovász conjecture
* Deriving a closed-form expression for the percolation threshold values, especially  (square site)
* Tutte's conjectures that every bridgeless graph has a nowhere-zero 5-flow and every bridgeless graph without the Petersen graph as a minor has a nowhere-zero 4-flow
* Petersen coloring conjecture
* The reconstruction conjecture and new digraph reconstruction conjecture concerning whether or not a graph is recognizable by the vertex deleted subgraphs.
* The cycle double cover conjecture that every bridgeless graph has a family of cycles that includes each edge twice.
* Does a Moore graph with girth 5 and degree 57 exist?
* Conway's thrackle conjecture
* Negami's conjecture on the characterization of graphs with planar covers
* The Blankenship–Oporowski conjecture on the book thickness of subdivisions
* Hedetniemi's conjecture
* Vizing's conjecture
=== 群論 ===
* Is every finitely presented periodic group finite?
* The inverse Galois problem: is every finite group the Galois group of a Galois extension of the rationals?
* For which positive integers ''m'', ''n'' is the free Burnside group B(''m'',''n'') finite? In particular, is B(2, 5) finite?
* Is every group surjunctive?
* Andrews–Curtis conjecture
* Herzog–Schönheim conjecture
* Does generalized moonshine exist?
=== モデル理論 ===
* Vaught's conjecture
* The Cherlin–Zilber conjecture: A simple group whose first-order theory is stable in  is a simple algebraic group over an algebraically closed field.
* The Main Gap conjecture, e.g. for uncountable first order theories, for AECs, and for -saturated models of a countable theory.<sup>[22]</sup>
* Determine the structure of Keisler's order<sup>[23][24]</sup>
* The stable field conjecture: every infinite field with a stable first-order theory is separably closed.
* Is the theory of the field of Laurent series over  decidable? of the field of polynomials over ?
* (BMTO) Is the Borel monadic theory of the real order decidable? (MTWO) Is the monadic theory of well-ordering consistently decidable?<sup>[25]</sup>
* The Stable Forking Conjecture for simple theories<sup>[26]</sup>
* For which number fields does Hilbert's tenth problem hold?
* Assume K is the class of models of a countable first order theory omitting countably many types. If K has a model of cardinality  does it have a model of cardinality continuum?<sup>[27]</sup>
* Shelah's eventual Categority conjecture: For every cardinal \lambda there exists a cardinal \mu(\lambda) such that If an AEC K with LS(K)<= \lambda is categorical in a cardinal above \mu(\lambda) then it is categorical in all cardinals above \mu(\lambda).<sup>[22][28]</sup>
* Shelah's categoricity conjecture for L_{\omega_1,\omega}: If a sentence is categorical above the Hanf number then it is categorical in all cardinals above the Hanf number.<sup>[22]</sup>
* Is there a logic L which satisfies both the Beth property and Δ-interpolation, is compact but does not satisfy the interpolation property?<sup>[29]</sup>
* If the class of atomic models of a complete first order theory is categorical in the , is it categorical in every cardinal?<sup>[30][31]</sup>
* Is every infinite, minimal field of characteristic zero algebraically closed? (minimal = no proper elementary substructure)
* Kueker's conjecture<sup>[32]</sup>
* Does there exist an o-minimal first order theory with a trans-exponential (rapid growth) function?
* Lachlan's decision problem
* Does a finitely presented homogeneous structure for a finite relational language have finitely many reducts?
* Do the Henson graphs have the finite model property? (e.g. triangle-free graphs)
* The universality problem for C-free graphs: For which finite sets C of graphs does the class of C-free countable graphs have a universal member under strong embeddings?<sup>[33]</sup>
* The universality spectrum problem: Is there a first-order theory whose universality spectrum is minimum?<sup>[34]</sup>
=== 数論 ===
* Grand Riemann hypothesis
** [[一般化されたリーマン予想]]([[:en:Generalized Riemann hypothesis]])
*** [[リーマン予想]]([[:en:Riemann hypothesis]])
* ''n'' conjecture
*[[ヒルベルトの23の問題#第9問題|ヒルベルトの23の問題]]の9番目([[:en:Hilbert's ninth problem]])
*[[ヒルベルトの23の問題#第11問題|ヒルベルトの23の問題]]の11番目([[:en:Hilbert's eleventh problem]])
*[[ヒルベルトの23の問題#第12問題|ヒルベルトの23の問題]]の[[ヒルベルトの第12問題|第12の問題]] ([[:en:Hilbert's twelfth problem]])
* Carmichael's totient function conjecture
* Erdős–Straus conjecture
* Pillai's conjecture
* Hall's conjecture
* Lindelöf hypothesis
* Montgomery's pair correlation conjecture
* Hilbert–Pólya conjecture
* Grimm's conjecture
* Leopoldt's conjecture
* Do any odd perfect numbers exist?
* Are there infinitely many perfect numbers?
* Do quasiperfect numbers exist?
* Do any odd weird numbers exist?
* Do any Lychrel numbers exist?
* Is 10 a solitary number?
* Catalan–Dickson conjecture on aliquot sequences
* Do any Taxicab(5, 2, n) exist for ''n''>1?
* Brocard's problem: existence of integers, (''n'',''m''), such that ''n''!+1 = ''m''<sup>2</sup> other than ''n''=4, 5, 7
* Beilinson conjecture
* Littlewood conjecture
* [[スピロ予想]]([[:en:Szpiro's conjecture]])
* [[ヴォイタ予想]]([[:en:Vojta's conjecture]])
* Goormaghtigh conjecture
* Congruent number problem (a corollary to Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture, per Tunnell's theorem)
* Lehmer's totient problem: if φ(''n'') divides ''n'' − 1, must ''n'' be prime?
* Are there infinitely many amicable numbers?
* Are there any pairs of amicable numbers which have opposite parity?
* Are there any pairs of relatively prime amicable numbers?
* Are there infinitely many betrothed numbers?
* Are there any pairs of betrothed numbers which have same parity?
* The Gauss circle problem – how far can the number of integer points in a circle centered at the origin be from the area of the circle?
* Is π a normal number (its digits are "random")?<sup>[35]</sup>
* Casas-Alvero conjecture
* Find value of De Bruijn–Newman constant
* Which integers can be written as the sum of three perfect cubes?
== 近年解かれた問題 ==
*[[加藤予想]]<ref>[[加藤敏夫]]。[[カリフォルニア大学]][[バークレー校]]教授。</ref> ([[:en:Kato's conjecture|Kato's conjecture]])([[2001年]])
*[[ド・ブランジュの定理|ビーベルバッハ予想]](ド・ブランジュの定理)([[:en:Bieberbach conjecture|Bieberbach conjecture]])([[1985年]])
== 出典 ==
== 関連項目 ==

2018/9/27/ (木) 07:26時点における最新版
